Delinquency Webinars & Training Modules


Secretary of Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice, Eric Hall - January 17, 2023

Secretary Hall January 2023

On January 17, 2023, the Secretary of Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice, Eric Hall, addressed the judges at a regional training and discussed his ideas regarding juveniles and education. He is introduced by Judge Kathleen Kroll from the 17th Judicial Circuit.


Juvenile Drug Courts Regional Training 2024


Juvenile Mental Health Courts Regional Training 2024


Rise Court Regional Training 2024


Juvenile Homicide

Kathleen M. Heide, Ph.D., University of South Florida

Recorded August 15, 2023

Attorneys who watch this webinar are eligible for 1 hour of CLE credit (juvenile law certification credits) by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2308824N. Approval period is from August 15, 2023 - February 28, 2025.

Judges may request CJE credit by contacting and providing this certificatePDF Download.


Mechanics of Disposition Hearings (985.433, F.S.)

Judge Terrance Ketchel, 1st Judicial Circuit 

Recorded April 21, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program


Understanding the Predisposition Report

Matthew A. Carter, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice

Recorded April 21, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program


How to Apply Trauma-Informed Practices to Dispositions, Especially Involving "Dually Served Youth"

Judge Lynn Tepper, Retired Circuit Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit

Recorded April 21, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program


The Use of the Polygraph with Juveniles: Research Overview

Learning Objectives:

  • Research review
  • The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) Practice Guidelines
  • Evidence-based clinical tools

Presented April 4, 2023 by Tracy L. Shelby, Ph.D., Joy Bennink, DJJ, and Robert W. Parham, M.A., LMHC
Attorneys that watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 1 CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course number: 2208206N.

2022 Delinquency Case Law Update

Presented by Judge John Parnofiello, 15th Judicial Circuit

Recorded March 28, 2023

Attorneys that watch the entirety of this presentation may claim 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course number 2303675N.

Introduction and Creation of the Crossover Division to serve Dually Involved Children - Overview

Retired Judge Ralph Stoddard, 13th Circuit and Ms. Yvette Boatwright

Recorded Feb. 24, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program

Additional information coming soon.

Detention Hearings and the Dependent Child: Asking Good Questions and Handling New Statutes

Judge Christopher M. LaBruzzo, 6th Circuit

Recorded Feb. 24, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program

Additional information coming soon.

The Dually-Involved Youth - Complex Trauma

Retired Judge Lynn Tepper

Recorded Feb. 24, 2023 at the OSCA Regional Judicial Training Program

Additional information coming soon.

Canon in D Diversity, Procedural Fairness & Ethics for Judges


  1. Explore provisions of Canon 3 as it relates to procedural fairness and professionalism.
  2. Describe subjective factors that impact the decision making process.
  3. Provide examples of overcoming the need for quick disposition of cases in order to tailor dispositions to an individual child.
  4. Identify cultural and economic factors impacting disposition.
  5. Provide examples of professionalism and ethics challenges of the juvenile division judge and effective strategies for resolution.
  6. Discuss the extent of a judge's responsibilities to combat improper behavior on the part of courtroom staff.

Presented by Judge Claudia Isom (Retired) and Judge Andrea Smith

Presented Nov 15, 2022. Attorneys that watch the entire webinar may contact the Florida Bar and receive 1 CLE by referencing course #2208205N. The program is also eligible for 1.0 hour of cultural diversity CME.  The webinar will not be issuing a certificate.  You can report the program on the DRC’s CME form that is submitted at the time of renewal. 

Viewing Life in Delinquency Court Through A Trauma Informed Lens

Presented November 3, 2022 by Judge Lynn Tepper, Retired

Attorneys that watch the entire video may contact the Florida Bar and receive 1 CLE by referencing Course #2208204N


Crossover Courts and Cases

Watch the Webinar

CLE InformationPDF Download  |  CJE approval is pending

Administrative Orders:

Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines - A Pathway to Better Outcomes

Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines Training Thumbnail

CLE informationPDF Download   |  Presentation SlidesPDF Download


Judge Bauman

Human Trafficking Advanced Course by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit

Presented Live January 19, 2022

Watch the webinar here.

To obtain 1 CLE credit after watching this webinar, please contact the Florida Bar and reference #2110774N.

For more information about human trafficking, see the OSCA human trafficking webpage.


Judge Bauman

Human Trafficking 101: An Introduction Presented by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit

Presented Live November 17, 2021

Watch the webinar here. Access the transcriptPDF Download.

To obtain 1 CLE credit after watching this webinar, please contact the Florida Bar and reference #2109347N.

Resource documents:

Webinar SlidesPDF Download

Human Trafficking Resources - GangsPDF Download

Human Trafficking Resources - Types of Modern SlaveryPDF Download

e-Learning Training Modules

Dually Adjudicated Youth: Florida's Crossover Dockets

Dually Adjudicated Youth Training Module Thumbnail

CLE InformationPDF Download  |  CJE approval is pending

Presented by Judges Terry Ketchel and Patrice Moore (Co-Chairs of the Delinquency Court Advisory Group)


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Family Courts

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Family Courts

Court proceedings may include the participation of individuals with ASD.  In these cases, judges may be challenged to resolve issues when some rules and procedures are not effective or appropriate.  Santa Rosa County in Florida’s 1st Circuit implemented a diversion program for youth on the ASD spectrum who have been charged with a crime.  Children may require alternate services with a goal of preventing further involvement into the judicial system.

Judges who complete this training are eligible for 1 CJE credit by contacting and referencing course #21-168, including 1 ethics credit.

Attorneys who complete the GRS training above are eligible to receive up to 1 CLE, including 1 ethics credit, by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2107547N.


Graduated Response System (GRS)

Graduated Response System Training Thumbnail


Judges who complete this training are eligible for 1 CJE credit by contacting and referencing course #21-137.

Attorneys who complete the GRS training above are eligible to receive up to 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2106204N.


Differential Warrants

diferential warrants training thumbnail

Differential Warrants Promising Practice GuidePDF Download

Sample Pick-Up OrderPDF Download to be used in Differential Warrant Cases - 13th Judicial Circuit

Judges who complete this training are eligible for 1 CJE credit by contacting and referencing course #21-134.

Attorneys who complete the Differential Warrants training above are eligible to receive up to 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2106208N.


Delinquency Regional Training (Basic)

Judges Lynn Tepper, Michael Orlando, and Robert Bauman provide a (Basic) Delinquency Regional Training. This training was held on May 1, 2020.  


An Overview of Delinquency Proceedings

Judge Jason Emilios Dimitris provides a general introduction to the delinquency bench, including the various hearing types, common terms, and diversionary programs.

eLearning graphic

We would like your feedback on this e-learning module so we can continue to improve as we create future modules.  Please complete the  survey to provide feedback.  The survey responses are anonymous. 

Judges may request 1 hour of Continuing Judicial Education Credit for their participation in this course (course #19-78) by emailing and certifying that they attended the entirety of course.


Delinquency Fundamentals


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 1:
An Overview of Delinquency

Baseball Cap; Cap; Hat


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 2:A
How a Delinquency Case Proceeds 



Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 3:
The Detention Hearing

Hammer; Wood; Phone


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 4:
The Arraignment and Adjudicatory

People; Indoors; Interior Design


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 5:
The Disposition Hearing (Sentencing)

Device; Hammer; Tool


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 6:
Post-Disposition Matters (Violations and Contempt)

Book; Indoors; Flag


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 7:
Trauma Considerations

Accessories; Diamond; Gemstone


Delinquency Fundamentals Unit 8:
Additional Resources

Computer; Laptop; Pc


Last Modified: August 30, 2024